Parshat Vayikra discusses the “Oleh v’Yored” offering – literally the “up-and-down” offering – so called because it had three levels, based on one’s financial ability: A wealthy person would bring a cow; a middle-class person brings a bird; and a poor person brings an offering of flour.
In fact, a wealthy person was not allowed to bring a lesser-quality offering. We see from here that God does not judge everyone by the same standards. Someone who has a greater natural ability is expected to do more. For why else would God have given him those resources?!
On the flip side, a poor person was not allowed to bring an expensive offering. This teaches that while we strive to improve, we must be sensitive to our own limitations, and not pressure ourselves unrealistically.
To highlight this idea, Leviticus 2:1 describes someone who brings a flour offering as a “soul.” The Talmud explains that though the flour offering may be inexpensive, for the poor person it is quite significant – and God considers it as if he gave his very soul!
We must never look askance at another person’s achievements, however small they may appear. Because whatever level we’re on, God only expects us to be … the best that we can be.
Sunday-Hebrew School 9-12
Special Synagogue meeting in Sanctuary at 10 A.M. with breakfast
Book signing by Amanda Alter at 10:30 A.M. in Social Hall
Tuesday-Talmud class 6:30 P.M.
Monday, April 10th- Make a minyan on Monday morning so that we can pray, have a siyum and have a breakfast so that first borns don’t have to fast on the eve of Passover. The Service begins at 7 A.M.
RSVP for our rocking Interfaith Seder on Tuesday, April 11th at 6 P.M. We have a raffle drawing at 8 P.M. We have guest performers, Matt Bureau, guitar, vocals and singing sensation Allison Collins joining us so don’t miss out on this special event. You will also enjoy a delicious catered chicken dinner. Tell your friends. Please RSVP to Helen by April 4th.
Sale of Chametz
I hereby allow Rabbi Ken Alter to dispose of all the chametz in my possession.
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Rabbi Ken Alter